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Get the dots out

March 2019 has all the markings of a fiesta of deadlines, missed deadlines, appointments, anxiety, and stress. How about yours?

Get the dots out

As hard as I’m trying, I’m not going to hit my deadline for one of my other projects. This bums me out which, of course, makes me not want to work and therefore I’ll likely fall even more behind. Ugh.

One thing I did get done this month was a crazy mortgage refinancing process. Efficiency was not the name of that game, and it drove me nuts. Too many parties involved and not enough information shared appropriately. But it’s done, and money is coming and I can fix my bathroom sink and fan and a few other odds and ends around here.

With my home in (sort of) order, the next topic to tackle is my health. I’ve got annual appointments with my GP, my dentist, and my eye doctor this month. These stress me out the older I get; I guess this is normal?

All these activities and more are piling up so I’ve decided to colour code my calendar using dots. Red dots are for fixed deadlines, green dots are for planned deadlines, and yellow are the “maybe dos.” This probably sounds crazy but the dots actually work, well, most of the time.

When I need to get stuff done, I bring out the dots and I feel a little bit more confident in getting things done when they should get done.

What about you? Do you need to “get the dots out” to get through March too?


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